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Delivering legal expertise since 1845

Cauda equina syndrome claims

Lower back pain is a condition that affects millions of people across the UK. For some people, it can be treated or at least managed. But, for others, the impact of lower back pain can be much more serious. Lower back pain accounts for 11% of all disability in the UK population. Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a rare, yet severe, disorder in the lower back. And the consequences can be life-changing for you and those closest to you.

What is cauda equina syndrome (CES)?

Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a serious medical condition that occurs when the bundle of nerves at the lower end of the spinal cord, known as the cauda equina, is compressed. This compression can lead to severe symptoms, including:

  • Severe lower back pain
  • Pain radiating down one or both legs
  • Numbness or weakness in the legs
  • Loss of sensation in the saddle area (around the buttocks, inner thighs, and genitals)
  • Bladder and bowel dysfunction (such as difficulty urinating or incontinence)
  • Sexual dysfunction

CES is considered a medical emergency because if left untreated, it can result in permanent nerve damage. Immediate medical attention and often surgical intervention are required to relieve the pressure on the nerves and prevent long-term complications.

If you suspect you or someone else might have CES, it’s crucial to seek emergency medical care right away.

When you experience such a life-changing injury, it can be hard to know where to turn to next – especially when you are not at fault. Our cauda equina syndrome solicitors have the knowledge to help in such cases, however, please call 0370 086 8686 or send us a message to find out how.

What are the causes of cauda equina syndrome?

Cauda equina syndrome is caused by compression of the nerve roots at the lower end of the spinal cord. The most common causes include:


Who can make a claim for cauda equina syndrome compensation?

Medical negligence leading to serious injury from cauda equina syndrome typically involves a failure to diagnose or treat the condition promptly. Here are some common examples:

If you or someone you know has experienced such negligence, it might be possible to pursue a medical negligence claim to seek compensation for the injuries sustained.

What are the ‘red flag’ symptoms of cauda equina syndrome?

The Cauda Equina Champions Charity lists a number of ‘red flags’ which refer to a set of symptoms that appear at the onset of Cauda Equina Syndrome. When these symptoms occur, either individually or in combination, they should prompt a medical professional to suspect Cauda Equina Syndrome. Early recognition of these red flags is crucial, as it can lead to a timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Receiving treatment within 24 hours significantly increases the likelihood of a near or full recovery after surgery.

These are the key red flag symptoms:

If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it’s vital to seek immediate medical attention to prevent permanent damage.

If your diagnosis (and treatment) of CES is delayed, it can have a serious and perhaps even life-changing impact. It is so vital to treat CES quickly. This is highlighted by research from the NHS, which shows that the delay or failure of diagnosis or treatment accounted for nearly two-thirds of CES compensation claims between 2014 and 2016. At Shoosmiths, we are here to help if this happens to you – call our friendly team on 0370 086 8686 or send us a message to see if you might have a claim.

Why choose Shoosmiths for your cauda equina syndrome claim?

Choosing Shoosmiths Serious Injury team for your cauda equina syndrome claim offers several advantages:

  • Specialist expertise: Ranked top tier in leading legal directories, and listed among The Times Best Law Firms for Clinical Negligence in 2024, we have a dedicated team of medical negligence solicitors with extensive experience in handling cauda equina claims.
  • Proven track record: Our firm has a strong track record of successfully securing compensation for clients in medical negligence cases, demonstrating our ability to handle challenging claims effectively.
  • Comprehensive support: We provide compassionate and comprehensive support throughout the claims process, ensuring that you feel supported and informed at every step. We are sensitive to your needs but will fight your corner and push the boundaries in your case, when the need arises.
  • National reach: With a national presence, we can offer our services across the country, making it convenient for you to access our expertise.
  • Client-centric approach: We are known for putting our clients first; prioritising your needs and wellbeing while pursuing claims with determination and professionalism. 
  • ‘No win, no fee’: We take suitable cases on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis with no upfront payment required so there is no financial risk to you.

We come to you

We understand this may be a difficult and challenging time for you and your family. We can talk you through the process at your own pace. We listen. Indeed, our first visit may just involve a chat and a cup of tea.

Medical negligence experts

Ranked top tier in leading legal directories and awarded Law Firm of the Year 2022, we have over 165 years of experience in advising people and businesses.

People first, lawyers second

Shoosmiths' experts are on your side – our lawyers are caring, fearless and treasure the values of openness and honesty.

About Shoosmiths

Cauda equina syndrome case study

Alicia was a successful self-employed conference organiser and ran her own photography business in Birmingham. Following a period of minor back problems, she awoke one morning to find that she had developed severe back pain. She was taken to Cheltenham Hospital where a prolapsed disc was suspected. However, she was discharged later that day without an MRI scan having been undertaken.

Alicia's Story

Cauda equina syndrome experts

Our skilled team of specialist lawyers want to speak to you today for free.
Dan O'Keeffe

Dan O'Keeffe

Legal Director

Dan O'Keeffe

Dan is a Legal Director and clinical negligence solicitor, acting for Claimants in complex cases, all over the country.

Nick Tubb

Nick Tubb


Nick Tubb

Nick has successfully pursued complex medical negligence brain and spinal injury claims for clients, securing a number of multi-million pound awards. Tell Nick your unique story.

Natasha Read

Natasha Read

Principal Associate

Natasha Read

Natasha has a varied caseload including serious injury claims against NHS trusts, private hospitals/practitioners and General Practitioners.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How common is cauda equina syndrome?

    Fortunately, CES is rare and it is estimated that there are fewer than three cases per 100,000 people. Data for 2010-11 reveals that 981 surgical decompressions for CES were carried out in England that year, which means there were just 1.9 cases per 100,000.

    Of course, no matter how rare a condition might be – it is no consolation to those living with the severe effects of CES.

  • How is cauda equina syndrome treated?

    Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent permanent damage and improve the chances of recovery. If you suspect CES, it’s important to seek immediate medical attention.

    The most effective form of cauda equina syndrome treatment is lumbar decompression surgery. As it is vital to relieve pressure on the spinal cord, CES treatment will typically involve either:

    • The removal of a section of bone from one of your vertebrae (laminectomy)
    • The removal of a section of damaged disc (discectomy)
  • How can cauda equina syndrome affect someone?

    If you are learning to cope with chronic cauda equina syndrome,  you and your family are likely to require practical, physical, and emotional support.. The loss of bladder or bowel function, for example, can have a major impact on a person’s work or social life. Severe pain or paralysis of the legs can also be long-term consequences of CES.

    In addition to the obvious physical impact of CES, there will be an associated – and often unseen – emotional impact. Feelings such as anxiety and depression can make it even more challenging to adapt to changes in your body. It can also affect relationships with loved ones. The emotional impact can feel especially raw if it is the result of a preventable accident or medical negligence.

  • How much cauda equina syndrome compensation could I receive?

    There is no set amount of compensation that you might receive if your case is a success. Every case is decided on its own merits and the amount will be based on your unique needs.

    At Shoosmiths, our team has experience of obtaining substantial awards for people with cauda equina syndrome. Read how one of our clinical negligence experts, Nicholas Tubb, helped after a delayed CES diagnosis had a serious and life-changing effect on an individual from Birmingham.


What should I do next?

Are you suffering from the impact of CES? Think you might have a claim? Unsure who to turn to for help? At Shoosmiths, we are determined to help those who need us. You can take advantage of our substantial experience and knowledge – and all it takes is one phone call or email.

For a free consultation, call us on 0370 086 8687 or send us a message now.

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Lines are open from 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 5pm on a Saturday.


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What our clients say

Who we work with

  • Brain Injury Group
  • CESS
  • ABIF

Our accreditations

  • Accredited Personal Injury
  • Apil
  • Avma