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Delivering legal expertise since 1845

Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have a life-changing impact on an individual and their family. How severe that impact is can depend on multiple factors, including which part of the brain is damaged.

The damage caused by a TBI may not be immediately clear sometimes taking weeks or months to come to light. One of the most intricate and critical organs in the body, a brain injury can disrupt or impair how the body functions, from mood and behaviour to memory and movements. 

Seeking compensation for a traumatic brain injury cannot undo the physical or emotional damage that has been sustained. But if your claim is successful, you will be able to put a care package in place to help you cope and develop your full potential, as well as have the financial support to make any changes you need to ensure you and your family maintain a high quality of life. Shoosmiths specialist brain injury team has many years of experience helping people who have suffered a TBI. We understand the condition and its impact on individuals and families. We also have good working relationships with many of the experts and carers that you will need, to not only investigate your claim, but also potentially provide life-long assistance. If making a claim seems daunting, we will simplify the process and explain the best way forward for you.

Learn more about brain injuries and making a brain injury claim with Shoosmiths.

What is a traumatic brain injury? 

A traumatic brain injury includes an injury that is caused by a head trauma, like a sudden jolt or blow. A traumatic brain injury is an injury that is initially caused by an external force, which can cause long-term complications. 

As brain injury association Headway explains, traumatic brain injury is defined in the 1998 Medical Disability Society Working Party Report. It is described as a ‘brain injury caused by trauma to the head (including the effects upon the brain of other possible complications of injury, notably hypoxemia and hypotension and intracerebral haematoma).’  

What are the types of traumatic brain injury?

Primary injury

The complex nature of the brain means a TBI can actually feature more than one stage to it. There is the initial trauma to the head - which could be from a blow, jolt or wound, the primary injury and then a secondary injury may occur.

There are three types of primary TBIs, depending on the cause.

Closed head injuries are themost common traumatic brain injury. With this type of brain injury, there’s no open wound. Instead, the brain is injured after a blow to the head or a violent motion causes it to bang against the inside of the skull.

A closed head TBI can require medical attention. In many cases, it might only cause concussion, but it can cause bruising, bleeding and swelling too. A closed head TBI can also lead to diffuse axonal injury, where the nerve fibres in the brain are damaged or torn.

With an open or penetrating injury, the brain is left exposed by an opening in the skull from a high-speed projectile (like a bullet) or low-speed object (such as a knife). It might not penetrate the brain itself but can still have serious consequences if not treated quickly.

A crushing injury is the third type of TBI. It’s the least common but can be the most damaging variety of traumatic brain injury because the head is crushed between two hard objects.

Secondary injuries

After the primary injury takes place, symptoms can emerge in the hours or weeks that follow. These can include unconsciousness, infections or seizures, as well as difficulties walking or speaking.

The initial head trauma can initiate the body’s inflammatory response to injury. Damaged cells release chemicals that lead to swelling around the affected area. Normally, this is a good thing – helping the body to recover. But in a confined space like the skull, this can increase pressure on the brain and cause issues such as insufficient blood flow or oxygen.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in the US records that ‘much of the damage related to severe TBI develops from secondary injuries’. Much of the treatment of a traumatic brain injury is about preventing this, whether that’s by using medication or surgery.

What causes traumatic brain injury?

A TBI can be caused in several ways, often as the result of an accident but sometimes due to a deliberate act. If you’re involved in an accident or incident that results in a serious injury and someone else is at full or partial fault, you could claim for traumatic brain injury compensation. Our team of skilled solicitors have years of experience in supporting people involved in:

What are the signs of traumatic brain injury?

Not every head injury is serious and will need hospital attention. But there are some tell-tale symptoms and signs of a traumatic brain injury to look out for. While they can show up straight away, other symptoms may not appear until days or weeks after the injury.

For mild TBIs, you might experience:


A moderate or severe TBI might present with the same signs as a mild TBI, as well as more serious symptoms in the hours and days after a head injury. These can include:


The NHS provides a complete guide to head injury symptoms of a serious head injury to watch out for.

How do traumatic brain injuries affect the brain?

Even after what you might think is a relatively minor head injury, the way the brain works can be temporarily affected. Any short-term brain injury that is caused by a head trauma is referred to as concussion. But while symptoms may disappear soon enough, it’s also possible someone might still suffer the effects for months or years afterwards.

Ultimately, every brain injury is unique. Some people may show severe signs of traumatic brain injury. Others don’t. A danger with any injury to the brain, however, is that not every problem is going to be a physical one. The behavioural or psychological symptoms can’t always be detected right away. These can often be the hardest for families to deal with.

If someone has suffered a brain injury, it may be said they are suffering from ‘executive dysfunction’ − cognitive, behavioural or emotional problems after a traumatic brain injury. For members of that person’s family, it can be vital to find support from professionals who can offer help and advice with coping strategies and the practicalities of living with someone with a brain injury.

No matter how good the treatment, rehabilitation and support, that individual and their families can face an uncertain and challenging life ahead.

How are traumatic brain injuries diagnosed?

If you’re involved in an accident and start to show symptoms of a TBI, you should go to A&E or call an ambulance straight away. Once at hospital, healthcare professionals will make sure your condition is stable before asking you some questions to help diagnose and treat your injury.

A friend or family member may be asked to describe what happened if you can’t remember.

A CT scan is then used to determine the extent of the brain injury, as well as how much at risk you are of developing secondary injuries. This scan is a detailed image of the inside of your skull and can show if there’s any bleeding or swelling in or around the brain.

As the first few hours after a head injury can be the most important for any delayed symptoms to start appearing, it’s likely you’ll be kept in hospital for a short time for observation – with the Glasgow Coma Scale used to help assess your condition.

The Glasgow Coma Scale gives you a score based on your physical movements, whether you’re able to make any noise and how easy you find it to open your eyes. These three scores are added up to give a total – 3 being the lowest, and 15 being the highest. The lower the score, the more significant the brain injury.

How to treat a traumatic brain injury

Treatment options depend on how severe the TBI is. For a mild TBI, the only treatment needed may simply be rest and perhaps over-the-counter pain relief for a headache. Even if the person only has a mild TBI, they will still need to be monitored after going home to ensure there are no persistent, worsening or new symptoms.

For more serious TBIs, a patient may need to undergo neurosurgery. This could be due to:

There are a number of different types of surgical interventions that can help treat serious TBIs, as well as other methods – such as using medication to induce a coma – if it’s decided they will give the brain the best chance of rest and recovery.

Headway has more information about treatment for more serious traumatic brain injuries.

Recovering from a traumatic brain injury

Each brain injury is different, which means the recovery process is different too. For a mild TBI, the effects may be short-lived, and the person can return to normality in weeks or months. But the impact of a moderate or serious traumatic brain injury can be permanent.

After you leave hospital, you might have to visit your GP, a neurologist or other specialist in the weeks that follow to check on your progress. But the rehabilitation process can start before you leave hospital – depending on the severity of your injury.

Physical recovery

For the physical effects such as a loss of movement or poor coordination, physiotherapy is one way to help. A physiotherapist can even be involved at the recovery stage before an individual is conscious to prevent any unnecessary complications.

Occupational therapy

If a brain injury means that you now find everyday activities a struggle, occupational therapy is designed to help you adapt. An occupational therapist can look at the activities you find difficult at home or in the workplace and help find solutions.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

A brain injury can affect your mental wellbeing, but psychological therapy such as CBT can help you. CBT aims to help a patient deal with what can sometimes be the overwhelming impact of a severe head injury – from traumatic brain injury anxiety disorder to other cognitive problems.

Learn more with our guide to recovering from a brain injury.

Our brain injury experts

Meet our experts

Sharine Burgess

Sharine Burgess


Sharine Burgess

Sharine is an award-winning lawyer in the personal injury department, acting on behalf of claimants and their families through a wide range of cases, so give her a call.

Denise Stephens

Denise Stephens

Partner - Medical negligence

Denise Stephens

Denise is a passionate, highly skilled medical negligence lawyer with a heart of gold. She cares genuinely about getting you justice so tell Denise your story.

Chris  McKinney

Chris McKinney

Partner - Personal injury

Chris McKinney

Chris will come to your home or hospital. He specialises in brain injury and has won several multi-million pound claims for clients. Call Chris today.

Brain injury services

Brain injury claims     Acquired brain injury claims     Hypoxic brain injury claims


Claiming compensation for TBI with Shoosmiths

At Shoosmiths we’re dedicated to making access to the law easy – with our friendly legal experts making the complex simple. Our team of legal specialists knows what you’re going through. We have the skills and experience to help you get the compensation you deserve, along with the best care and support from healthcare providers and therapists.

Once you decide that you’d like to make a traumatic brain injury claim, we will provide all the support you need. After you’ve supplied us with the full details of your accident and subsequent injury, we’ll submit your claim and secure all the necessary medical, financial, and practical assistance on your behalf to give you the best chance of success.

Our team has an in-depth knowledge of the law and the full, life-changing impact of any injury to the brain. Our solicitors work out of 13 locations across the UK, many with established links to charities such as Headway and Child Brain Injury Trust, who support brain injury sufferers and their families.

Started a claim with another solicitor already? Worried that your case isn’t going the way you’d hoped? Talk to Shoosmiths – we can talk through your concerns free of charge and give you our opinion. If you do decide to switch your solicitor, we’ll explain the implications to you too.

We’ve helped many people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury – and we can help you too. But don’t just take our word for it. Our client testimonials are proof of our hard work and all come from people just like you, showing the real difference that we’re here to make.


Additional helpful links:

What our clients say


  • Who can claim compensation for a traumatic brain injury?

    You can claim compensation for a TBI if it can be proved that someone else – another person – is at least partly responsible for your suffering.

    In addition to pursuing a claim for yourself, you can also act on behalf of a child or loved one who is too seriously injured that they do not have the mental capacity to do it themselves. As the ‘litigation friend’, you’ll be responsible for dealing with the solicitor and making any decisions.

    For adults, court proceedings must start within three years of the head injury being sustained. But this does not apply if the injured person is under 18-years-old. In these cases, the limit is extended until the individual’s 21st birthday.

    The 3-year time limit won’t apply to anyone who lacks capacity in accordance with the terms of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. So, if you’ve suffered a brain injury, you may be eligible to make a claim more than three years later.

  • Who do I claim against?

    A claim should be made against the person or people who are at fault for your traumatic brain injury, or the defendant. In many cases, a claim is dealt with by the defendant’s insurers.

    • Road traffic accidents: The claim is made against the driver of the car which injured you, even if that driver isn’t charged with an offence.
    • Workplace accidents: Your employer is responsible, even if the accident is the fault of a fellow employee.
    • Public liability: Slips and falls in the street can be the fault of a local authority, while a claim can also be made against the owner or occupiers of a premises where the injury takes place.
    • Criminal injuries: If your injury is the result of a criminal assault, a claim can be made to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. There is a two-year limit to do so.
  • How much will it cost to make a TBI claim?

    • If the potential cost of making a claim is worrying you, we’re here to put your mind at rest by talking you through your funding options at the start.
    • Do you have legal expenses insurance? This could help cover any costs you have to bear from your claim.
    • We also take traumatic brain injury compensation cases on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis – this means we ask for no upfront payment. If you win, the other party will likely pay most of your legal costs. Any costs that aren’t covered will come out of your compensation settlement.

What to do next

We can advise you where you stand and what your options are so that you can make informed choices based on expert legal advice. We have many years’ experience of dealing with different types of brain injury claims so understand and can explain both the law and the practicalities that you may be facing for the first time. Getting in touch for an initial discussion will not cost you a penny.

Call us on 0370 086 8687 or message us.

The choice is yours.

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Who we work with

  • Brain Injury Group
  • CESS
  • ABIF

Our accreditations

  • Accredited Personal Injury
  • Apil
  • Avma