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Misdiagnosis can have far reaching implications for patients and their families. Serious illnesses can be missed completely or the benefits of early treatment can be lost. Inappropriate or unnecessary drug therapy or surgery can also cause avoidable harm.
All areas of medicine are affected by misdiagnosis and consequences vary enormously. Shoosmiths have dealt with cases where bone fractures have been missed resulting in complications such as arthritis or the need later for bone graft surgery or fusion depending on the site of the injury.
Failing to recognise cauda equina syndrome as a surgical emergency within 48 hours of onset can have devastating effects on the quality of an individual's life. Missing or misdiagnosing serious conditions such as meningitis, myocardial infarction (heart attack) and aggressive cancers can prove to be fatal.
Our specialist lawyers can advise you on the legal implications of misdiagnosis claims and the actions you can take.
How do I make a misdiagnosis claim
The first thing to do is to contact an expert law firm like Shoosmiths which specialises in this sort of work.
It is important that your chosen law firm has relationships with the appropriate medical and other experts. The input of respected and senior medical experts will be absolutely crucial to the success of your claim.
You might be confused, angry and unsure exactly who is to blame. If you feel you may have a case, call us for a free initial consultation. We can give you the benefit of our experience in such claims as well as an objective assessment of the likely success of your claim, explaining everything in clear, jargon-free language.
If I have a misdiagnosis claim
Not all misdiagnosis is due to negligence.
Determining whether you have a case for making a misdiagnosis claim depends on proving that you received substandard care.
More about misdiagnosis claims
You should be able to expect that any diagnosis you receive is both timely and correct, but that is not always the case. When errors happen, you may be entitled to make a claim.
Having a fracture diagnosed as a sprain can lead to severe physical problems. Being told you have cancer or some other life-threatening disease when in fact you don't.
There are certain conditions that are prone to misdiagnosis. Coeliac disease is frequently confused with irritable bowel syndrome. Parkinson’s disease is often misdiagnosed as a stroke. Fibromyalgia is mistaken for rheumatoid arthritis. Lupus is often mistakenly thought to be chronic fatigue syndrome.
Our specialist solicitors have the expertise to work out whether mistakes or errors in judgement were made. We’ll seek answers and explanations from those responsible.
£92,500 awards for misdiagnosed DVT
Yvette Allan suffered a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism because doctors failed to spot she was suffering with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Her GP had referred her to Macclesfield District General Hospital because he suspected DVT.
Read Yvette Allan's full misdiagnosed DVT case study here.
‘I can’t praise Shoosmiths enough for all their hard work, care and sensitivity throughout a difficult time for me and the boys. The only consolation in all this is that hopefully other families won’t have to endure what we went through.’
Mohammed Chaudhry, whose wife Samina died due to misdiagnosed breast cancer.
Sarah Harper is a Legal Director in the National Medical Negligence Team. She is an accredited member of the Law Society of England and Wales for Clinical Negligence.
View full profileSue is a Clinical Negligence Partner and leads a team in the Clinical Negligence department in the Thames Valley Office.
View full profileNatasha is a Partner in the Medical Negligence department at Shoosmiths. She qualified as a solicitor in 2009 after already working in clinical negligence for one year during her training contract.
View full profile
‘I can’t praise Shoosmiths enough for all their hard work, care and sensitivity throughout a difficult time for me and the boys. The only consolation in all this is that hopefully other families won’t have to endure what we went through.’
Mohammed Chaudhry, whose wife Samina died due to misdiagnosed breast cancer.
Our specialist solicitors know the tactics defendants use to contest these claims and have the understanding and expertise to get the best possible result for anyone injured through misdiagnosis.
Why Shoosmiths