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Nursing negligence claims

There are many kinds of nursing negligence but the end result is always a patient needlessly suffering mentally or physically. This is increasingly important since nurses now have far more responsibility for the active care of patients, performing many of the functions from diagnosing an illness to prescribing and administering drugs that previously would have been done by a doctor.


Those needing nursing care in hospitals or nursing homes are often also the most vulnerable. They deserve the best care standards possible but substandard nursing care mean those standards can fall dangerously short.

There are many ways in which failings in nursing care can result in injury and be grounds for disciplinary action and a nursing claim. In very rare cases if the harm was intentional this could give rise to a criminal investigation as recent high profile cases have shown.

Failure to assess a patient’s condition or not checking vital signs at designated intervals could lead to problems. Missing changes in a patient’s condition and the subsequent failure to take the proper action or notify senior colleagues could even have fatal consequences.

Errors in administering medication, misuse of equipment or simply failing to record vital information on a patient's chart and keep paperwork up to date could also cause needless pain and suffering to those least able to cope.

Claims for nursing negligence in care homes can typically include injuries following insufficient nursing care that result in bed sores and prescription errors. Far more frequent in this context are claims following injuries and fractures sustained after falls or poor handling.

Shoosmiths specialist medical negligence team includes lawyers who were trained nurses and have an in-depth knowledge of both the NHS and private healthcare system. Their experience means we really do understand what you are going through and can give you the best possible advice about making a nursing claim.

Types of Nursing errors

Nursing Errors

Nursing negligence has a serious impact on quality of life. Shoosmiths expert lawyers, some of whom were nurses themselves, understand how vital it is to get you the reassurance and help you deserve.

Why Shoosmiths

Who we work with

  • Brain Injury Group
  • CESS
  • ABIF

Our accreditations

  • Accredited Personal Injury
  • Apil
  • Avma