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Delivering legal expertise since 1845

Bike and cycling accident claims

Whether you cycle as part of your daily commute, you're training for a big race or for leisure, if you're involved in a cycling accident it can have a long-lasting and even life-changing impact on your daily life.


People first, lawyers second

Our specialist team of lawyers work alongside you and your loved ones throughout your cycling accident injury claim, and we work tirelessly to make sure you get the compensation you need. Your own dedicated lawyer can arrange meetings at your convenience, and we'll explain the whole claims process in a way that's easy to understand.

While much has been done to improve cycle safety, cyclists remain alarmingly vulnerable especially in our traffic-choked cities. With more people using their bikes, cyclists of all ages and abilities run the risk of becoming involved in a serious accident.

If you have been involved in an accident, you may be entitled to make a claim. Having successfully represented injured cyclists of all ages, our specialist cycle accident lawyers are well placed to deal with your claim.

How can an accident affect you?

The effects of a cycling accident can vary greatly. In some cases, you may come away with a minor sprain or bruising, and while the physical recovery time may be short, it could have a long-term emotional impact on you.


This is often the most visible impact of an accident. And a physical injury has the potential to alter your life completely. Should you require specialist care long into the future, compensation can help to fund this.

Shoosmiths helped a 51-year-old experienced cyclist to receive £837,000 in cycle accident compensation following a head injury after being struck by a car – find out more about how we helped with the ongoing physical and psychological effects of the accident.


Not all signs of a serious injury can be seen on the outside, and cyclists can often suffer emotionally or psychologically following an accident. This can be just as hard to cope with as a physical ailment, and seeking help is just as important.

Shoosmiths helped a cyclist who suffered post-traumatic amnesia following a bike accident claim – read more about how a collaborative approach to settlement helped the young cyclist.


A slight injury could mean a few days off work, but something more serious could mean you are unable to do your job for a few weeks or longer. You may not even be able to return to work. This can not only have an impact on your psychological wellbeing, but it can also have a huge financial impact on you and your loved ones.

We were able to help a part-time nurse whose main mode of transport was her bicycle. Following her accident, she was told she would not be able to fulfil her dream of becoming a midwife. Discover how we secured cycle accident compensation for Mrs Brand.

We understand that no matter the amount of compensation you receive, it can never truly change what has happened to you and your loved ones. But we're here to help relieve some of the stress and strains.

We can help you with not only the legal aspect of your claim, but also can offer practical advice, as well as emotional support.

Client story

What are the types of injury sustained by bicycle and cycling accidents?


There are essentially five different categories of injury that can be sustained in an accident, and the severity of each will have an impact on the amount of compensation you could be awarded.


The UK may have some of the safest roads in Europe, but fatalities can still occur, and can have a devastating impact on loved ones.

Very serious injuries

Very serious injuries include the following and may have the potential to be either life-threatening or life-altering:

- Broken neck or back

- Severe head injury

- Severe chest injury

- Internal injuries

- Multiple severe injuries with loss of consciousness

Moderately serious injuries

When being reported by the police following an accident, 'moderately serious injuries' may be classed as 'very serious'. These too have the potential to be life-threatening or life-altering:

- Full or partial loss of arm or leg

- Fractured pelvis or upper leg

- A chest injury (excluding bruising)

- Deep penetrating wound

- Multiple severe injuries – whilst remaining conscious

Less serious injuries

While not as serious compared with the previous injuries, 'less serious injuries' are still reported by the police as a 'serious injury.' These may not result in an extended hospital stay, but you may still be eligible for bicycle accident compensation. The Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain reports these as being:

- Fractured lower leg, ankle or foot

- Fractured arm, collarbone or hand

- Deep cuts and/or lacerations

- Another head injury

Slight injuries

Slight injuries are fairly common in any type of road traffic collision. Most slight injuries can be treated at the scene, without needing to go to hospital. These are classed as:

- Whiplash or neck pain

- Shallow cuts, lacerations or abrasions

- Sprains and strains

- Bruising

- Shock

According to figures released from the Department of Transport, cyclists have the second highest casualty rate, and the third highest fatality rate for all road users.

Start a bicycle accident compensation claim today

You can start you claim today by calling us on 0370 086 8687 or by sending us a message.

There's no pressure for you to instruct our bike accident lawyers to represent you. Our free and confidential initial consultation is there to give you all the facts you need about starting a claim.

With 10 offices around the UK, we're here to help wherever you are – whenever you're ready.

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Personal injury lawyer

Shoosmiths - bike & cycling accident claims experts

  • Why choose Shoosmiths?

    We know that no two claims are the same, and we also know that no amount of compensation can make up for the trauma you may have encountered as a result of your accident, but we're here to do all that we can to relieve you of any additional stress.

    At Shoosmiths, we treat everyone with the same care and understanding they deserve without judgement. Our specialist team of bike accident lawyers have particular expertise in claims involving rights and liability disputes and obtaining compensation for physical injuries, damaged bikes and future loss of income.

    Whilst our aim is to get you back in the saddle, we understand that this isn't always possible and, in those instances, we provide practical advice and support to ensure that you receive ongoing care and rehabilitation.

    Having successfully represented injured cyclists of all ages, our expert lawyers are well placed to help you with your claim. We understand the issues that you face as a cyclist, the laws affecting you and the types of injuries or losses you may suffer as a result of an accident.

    Working alongside you, we're here to get the damages you need as well as any medical support you may require. Not only do we have the expertise to help you, but we also have the accreditations and awards to back up our knowledge. This includes:

    - Accreditation from the Law Society Personal Injury Panel; Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL); Headway; and Action against Medical Accidents.

    - Recognition from the independent legal directories Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners UK for the care and knowledge of our lawyers who can handle your claim.

    - Being signed up to the APIL/FOIL Guide to the Conduct of Cases Involving Serious Injury and the Headway Personal Injury Lawyers Code of Conduct.

    But perhaps the most important reason to choose Shoosmiths is because, ultimately, we care about you. We're proud of what we do because we know that effective advice and action can make a real difference to someone's life. Why not read what some of our clients have to say about us and find out how we've helped them.

    And when you're ready to get in touch, we'll be here for you.

  • How can Shoosmiths help?

    Helping individuals and their families navigate the complexities of the legal system for over 165 years, we're here to ensure you get the compensation you need following your accident.

    Not only do we offer advice and support, but we can also put you in touch with the right medical and rehabilitation services and request interim payments to cover any rehabilitation costs before your claim even starts.

    Which is what we did for Hannah Moodie following her accident. Arranging osteopathy treatment, which we funded through interim payments, she was able to get closure and make a full recovery following her successful bike accident claim.

    Being part of Shoosmiths means your personal lawyer has access to the considerable physical, intellectual resources and connections of a UK-wide commercial law firm whenever needed.

    To learn more about how our cycle accident lawyers can help you, contact us now. Call 0370 086 8687 or send us a message for a no-obligation consultation about your claim.

Bike accident claims experts

Our skilled team of specialist lawyers want to speak to you today for free.
Chris  McKinney

Chris McKinney


Chris McKinney

Chris will come to your home or hospital. He specialises in serious personal injury and has won several multi-million pound claims for clients. Call Chris today.

Phil Barnes

Phil Barnes


Phil Barnes

Phil is national head of medical negligence. It has been said of Phil that he's the kind of guy to pull out all the stops so call Phil today.

Bike & cycle accident claims FAQs

  • What to do after a bike accident?

    If you've been involved in a bike accident, it's important to follow these steps:

    1. Identify who caused the incident

    Collect the names and addresses and if relevant car registration details as well as the colour or make. And if necessary, a description of the driver.

    2. Witnesses

    Obtain names, addresses or phone numbers as soon as possible.

    3. Take photographs and videos

    Take pictures or videos of the scene, and where possible show road signs or fixed landmarks. And always keep your footage, as it may be vital for your claim.

    4. Call the police

    If you've been injured or there's damage to the bike, always report the incident to the police. This should be as soon as reasonably practicable but in any event within 24 hours.

    5. Get insurance details

    If another vehicle is involved in your accident, ask the driver for insurance details, but never get involved in discussing the accident with them or accept any financial offer from them until you have spoken to specialist solicitors. If your accident was caused by an uninsured or untraced driver you can still pursue a claim through the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB).

    6. Keep your property

    It's important you keep damaged items for inspection. Take photos and try and provide receipts for the purchase. List all the damaged items and keep details of your expenses. This will help with your cycle accident compensation claim.

    7. Visit A&E or your GP

    You should always seek medical advice following an accident, even for slight injuries.

    8. Seek legal advice

    No matter how minor the accident may seem, it's important that you seek independent legal advice from cycle accident solicitors who can help you make a claim.

  • What you should not do after a bike accident?

    We understand that following an accident, you may feel confused, angry, upset and physically and emotionally hurt, but there are a few things you should not do following an accident, as they could weaken your claim.

    • Do not discuss who was at fault. Do not get angry. As hard as it might be, staying calm will help you to assess the scene, and anything you see or hear can be used as evidence.
    • Do not get on your bike and ride away. You may be more shaken up than you realise, and your bike may not be working safely. This could put you, and others at more risk.
  • Why should you make a bike accident claim?

    We understand that after a traumatic accident, making a claim can seem like a stressful thing to do. But if you or a loved one is coming to terms with a life-altering injury – whether it be physical, emotional, or even financial, seeking cycle accident compensation can alleviate some of the additional stresses and strains you may be under.

    If someone else is at fault for your injury, you should be compensated for these feelings of distress and frustration. And while we understand that no amount of money can change what happened to you, it can help you cover the cost of treatment, rehabilitation, lost income and anything else still to come.

  • Do you have grounds for a claim?

    If you've been involved in an accident that wasn't your fault, you have every right to pursue a bike accident claim.

    To make a claim, you must show that the other person involved was negligent, and that your injuries are because of their negligence. However, we understand that sometimes it can be hard to know who is at fault, which is why seeking the advice of specialist cycle accident solicitors is important.

    Here at Shoosmiths, our team of lawyers can take an in-depth and impartial look at the series of events that occurred before, during and after the accident, and will determine who was at fault. Even if you don't have all the details of the driver or the vehicle or you were involved in a hit and run, you can tell us what you know, and we can take it from there.

    Our team know exactly what's needed to help you rebuild your life after a serious accident – from legal advice to ongoing medical care.

    If you're unsure whether you have grounds to make a claim, you can speak to one of our friendly team on 0370 086 8687 or you can send us a message.

  • What do you need to prove for cycle accident compensation?

    To increase the chances of bringing a successful bicycle accident compensation claim, there are certain things you will need to do. Gathering evidence is crucial in making a claim, and you should keep hold of as much information as possible from the date the accident took place.

    Firstly, you should take photos of any damage to your bicycle and the scene, as well as your injuries. You should also get the contact information of anyone that witnessed the accident.

    And make sure you keep proof of any expenses you have incurred because of your injuries as well as any damage to your property, as you will be able to claim for these too.

    When bringing any type of accident claim, the most important element is establishing responsibility. You need to prove who is at fault for the incident, whether it was another driver or the condition of the road itself.

    If you're still unsure if you have a claim, our expert lawyers can examine the evidence for you.

  • How does a bicycle accident compensation claim work?

    We aim to make every claim as easy and as straightforward as possible for you, after all, seeking compensation should be there to make your life easier – not harder.

    We’re signed up to the Serious Injury Code, and this means that we work with you and the insurer(s) to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family. If we think you have a claim, one of our bike accident lawyers will take up your case.

    They will be your personal contact throughout your claim, and they will be the ones to get in touch with the other party involved, as well as collecting the evidence to support your claim. 
    To begin proceedings, we will send a letter of claim to the potential defendant, and investigations will begin with the police and any witnesses to your accident. We will obtain medical records and then independent medical reports from leading independent medical experts.

    When we have finalised our medical evidence, we will be in a position to value your injuries. The principle behind any claim is to put you in the same position you would have been in if the accident hadn't occurred. Obviously, this may not be possible in some cases where a serious injury has happened, in which case financial compensation for injuries is awarded, increasing dependent upon the severity of your injuries.

    If the other party accepts blame at this stage, we’ll seek to secure an interim payment to cover any immediate costs. If not, we’ll start the court process. All this means in practice is that your claim now has a deadline to be settled. And you can be sure that we’ll be with you at every step.

  • How many claims go to court?

    The majority of claims are settled without going to court, and that applies even if we do need to start court proceedings as part of the process.

    Which is what happened to Barrie Martin. His bike accident claim was prepared for trial, but before that took place, a settlement meeting was arranged, and he was awarded a substantial settlement sum.

    Of course, we can't make any guarantees your cycling accident injury claim won't go to court.

    If you're making a claim on behalf of a loved one who lacks capacity as defined in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, it will be necessary to go to court. But rest assured that your personal bike accident lawyer will explain the process to you.

  • Who are cycle accident compensation claims made against?

    Cycle accident compensation claims are made against the person who is at fault for the incident. If your accident was caused by an uninsured or untraced driver you can still pursue a claim through the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) which can award damages to cover both your injuries and repair or replacement of your bike and equipment.

    In some cases, it may be that you are partially to blame for the accident, in which case liability can be split. Should this happen, you will receive some compensation, but it will be a lower amount to reflect your involvement.

    If you're unsure who you should claim against, you can call us on 0370 086 8687 or send us a message and we'll be happy to speak with you.

  • Can you make a claim on behalf of someone else?

    It is possible to make a claim on behalf of someone else if:

    - You're the parent/guardian of a child under the age of 18

    - A loved one is unable to claim themselves because of the injuries sustained

    - A family member has passed away as a result of their injuries

    If you're unsure about whether or not your circumstances will allow you to make a cycle accident compensation claim on behalf of a loved one, you can call us on 0370 086 8687. Alternatively, you can send us a message and a member of our team will be in touch.

  • How much does a bike accident claim cost?

    At Shoosmiths we believe everyone should have the opportunity to make a claim, which is why if we take up your case it will be on a No Win No Fee basis. Not only is your initial consultation with one of our lawyers free, but you will only have to pay a 'success fee' at the end of your case if your claim is successful. The pre-agreed amount will be deducted from your compensation.
  • How long does a cycling accident injury claim take?

    There are many factors that can affect how long a cycling accident injury claim can take. For example, if the other party doesn’t accept fault, this can make the process longer. Similarly, if your claim is a complex case, it can take time to make sure that all the facts are correct and sufficient evidence has been gathered.

    But please rest assured that your cycle accident lawyer will do everything in their power to make the process as short and as stress-free as possible.

  • How much compensation could you receive?

    We're unable to provide a definitive amount of compensation you could receive. The amount awarded will be dependent upon the injury you sustained – physical and emotional, damage to your property, as well as any loss of earnings.

    After an accident, you may be able to claim compensation for the following:

    Personal injuries

    This includes all visible physical injuries from bruising to broken bones, as well as invisible psychological injuries such as depression – as long as they can be shown to have been caused as a direct result of your bike accident.

    Bicycle damage

    If your bike can be repaired and the cost of repair is less than the value of the bike prior to your accident, you can claim the repair costs. If your bike is damaged beyond repair or the cost of repair is higher than the value of the bike, then you can claim compensation that is equal to its value prior to the accident.

    Property damage

    You are able to claim cycle accident compensation if any of your personal items were damaged as a result of the accident. This includes any clothing, your helmet or any additional attachments on your bike.

    Loss of earnings

    If the injuries you sustained as a result of your accident forced you to stop work, you can claim for loss of earnings. You will need to provide evidence of how much you would have earned if you had not missed work.

    Additional travel costs

    If your bicycle was your chief means of transport and following the accident you have to take public transport or make alternative arrangements, you can claim compensation based on the mileage.
    You will need to produce receipts and other documentation to substantiate any claim – but that's why we're here. Your personal bike accident lawyer will talk you through the whole process and will explain what evidence you need to provide.

  • How long do you have to start a cycling accident injury claim?

    A cycling accident injury claim is just like any other personal injury claim and you will usually have three years from the date of your accident to start the process. If an injury isn't discovered straight away, the three-year limit will start from the 'date of knowledge' – or when you first learn about it.

    In certain circumstances, the three-year time limit doesn’t apply. These are claims where:

    - You’re acting on behalf of someone under the age of 18. In child injury claims, you can start a claim at any point up until their 18th birthday. This is when the three-year limit then starts.

    - You’re acting on behalf of someone who lacks the capacity to. The time limit only starts when they regain that capacity. If it’s permanent, however, no limit will ever apply.

    If you're unsure about your own situation, you can contact us by calling 0370 086 8687 or you can send us a message and we will get in touch with you at a time that is convenient for you.

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0808 271 4668

Lines are open from 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 5pm on a Saturday.


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What our clients say

Who we work with

  • Brain Injury Group
  • CESS
  • ABIF

Our accreditations

  • Accredited Personal Injury
  • Apil
  • Avma