£165,000 pay out for injured cyclist
Our client, Mrs Brand, was working as a part-time nurse and was hoping to secure a post as a midwife, having completed a degree course in midwifery. Her main means of transport was her bicycle, for practical reasons of health and convenience as well as simple enjoyment.
While cycling to work she was struck by a car because the driver ‘failed to see her’ despite her wearing all the right high-visibility clothing. She suffered severe damage to her legs and knee, requiring a total knee replacement operation.
Shoosmiths was able to obtain an early admission of liability and rehabilitation funded by interim payments which also assisted her financially while she underwent treatment.
She did make an excellent recovery, but the nature of her injuries means that Mrs Brand will require at least one further knee replacement in her lifetime. As a consequence, her days as a cyclist are also at an end.
More significantly, our court-appointed expert orthopaedic surgeon concluded that she would not be able to find any job and would certainly never fulfil her dream of becoming a midwife.
We did get co-operation from the defendant's insurers on a number of issues, but their original offers fell well below the final settlement figure we proposed of £165,000. Through skilful negotiations and a determination to press on with litigation if necessary, we were able to secure that sum for Mrs Brand without the need to go to trial.
This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before acting on any of the information given. © Shoosmiths LLP 2025