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£40,000 compensation for resident left critically ill after a two week stay in a care home

04 February 2016

Care Home Neglect Case Study
Compensation for resident left critically in care home

£40,000 compensation for resident left critically ill after a two week stay in a care home

Shoosmiths won compensation of £40,000 for the wife of a dementia sufferer who had to spend seven months as an inpatient following what was supposed to be a two-week respite stay at an Edgbaston care home.

Our client, the Rev Victoria Bravette, minister of Northfield Methodist Church, cared for her husband single-handedly for much of the time and had taken him to the care home so she could have a much needed respite break. However, when she went to collect him she noticed an unpleasant smell when she walked in and was shocked when she realised it was coming from her husband.

Mr Bravette was taken immediately to hospital where he was diagnosed as critically ill. Doctors feared he might not survive the first night. Mrs Bravette had been impressed by the apparent preparations for her husband’s stay at the home and the assurances she was given. However, when the fortnight was up he was in a very poor state. He’d lost a lot of weight, had a huge bed sore could no longer speak.

Our team at Shoosmiths noted that, given his vulnerability, he was dependent on staff to ensure he drank fluids, was fed and his pressure areas were looked after. His wife had put her trust in the establishment and was utterly let down.

Whilst never making up for the neglect her husband obviously suffered, the compensation award does help pay for equipment and assistance that makes life a little easier for the couple.



This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before acting on any of the information given. © Shoosmiths LLP 2025

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