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Shoosmiths respond to the Ockenden Report

30 March 2022

Shoosmiths are shocked and saddened at the news in The Ockenden report released today, that at least 295 babies died or suffered brain damage as a result of avoidable poor care at Shrewsbury Hospital Trust. Nine mothers also died as a result of avoidable care.

In total, 1,486 families were affected with 1,592 incidents.

Shoosmiths Kashmir Uppal, who represents several of the families involved said this morning: “These are shocking numbers of infant deaths which have occurred across a long time period, through sheer mismanagement and clinical negligence at the trust.”

“The report has identified no less than 60 actions for learning at the Trust and 15 immediate actions that must be implemented by all NHS trusts in England who provide maternity care.  Unless these actions are in fact implemented, I fear the same errors will occur and more babies and mothers will lose their lives.”

The review includes cases as early as 1973 and as recent as 2020.

The report lists poor investigations, midwives who were fearful of superiors over the escalation of cases, staff who were ‘over-confident’ and a unit at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital 'operating beyond its scope'.



This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before acting on any of the information given. © Shoosmiths LLP 2025

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