Shoosmiths won substantial compensation for a client involved in a road traffic accident in which she suffered serious back and neck injuries as well as major nerve and muscle damage and extensive scarring to her legs and arms.
As well as the physical injuries, our client was also psychologically affected because she intended to pursue a career as a professional actress and dancer. Due to the nature of her injuries she thought this was no longer possible.
The accident happened as our client was travelling round a bend on a single lane carriageway. An HGV travelling in the opposite direction crossed out of its lane whilst negotiating the bend and collided with our client's vehicle, sending it spinning out of control.
We obtained medical evidence from an orthopaedic expert, psychiatrist and plastic surgeon and compiled a schedule of her losses, which included a sum to compensate her for having to possibly abandon embarking on her chosen career.
We were able to settle the matter for a sum of £57,000 prior to a court hearing.
The damages awarded helped our client pay for treatment that allowed her to fulfil her ambition. She went on to enjoy a successful career in dancing and acting, despite all the obstacles in her path.
If you have suffered a similar experience or would like to talk to someone about your injury, get in touch with us today for a free consultation. Call 0370 086 8687 or send us a message.
This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before acting on any of the information given. © Shoosmiths LLP 2025