If you suspect a vulnerable person of any age is subject to abuse you should not wait until you're certain. Acting quickly in these case is often the only way to prevent tragedy. Many people may feel uncomfortable taking their concerns, which may be unfounded, straight to the police by calling 999.
You do not have to give any personal details and can remain anonymous if you wish.
If you are concerned about an elderly person being abused you should call 999 if you think someone is in immediate danger or contact your local council adult social services department if you think someone is at risk of being abused.
If you want to discuss your concerns and get some advice before taking those steps the charity Action on Elder Abuse operates a confidential helpline on 0808 808 8141. You can also call the local police on the 101 non-emergency number.
Sharing your concerns by telling someone you trust, such as a friend or relative or your own or your relative’s GP or care worker if they have one may also lead to action being taken. Additional advice can also be gained by contact the Older People’s Advocacy Alliance.
Alternatively, our team can listen to your concerns and can help signpost you to the most appropriate authorities to deal with your concerns. Calls to our legal client services team are entirely confidential and if necessary you can be put straight through to a specialist lawyer who can discuss what your next steps should be.
This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before acting on any of the information given. © Shoosmiths LLP 2025